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Version: SDK V4 (latest)



The generateSessionKey function is used to generate a new session key from our The Delegated Authorisation Network (DAN). This key is used under the hood of our sessions offering and is used to validate user operations without the user's direct involvement. Can be used later with the signMessage() helper to send userOps.


export type DanSessionKeyRequestParams = {
/** Relevant smart account */
smartAccountClient: BiconomySmartAccountV2;
/** Optional browser wallet. If using wagmi can be set to connector.getProvider() from useAccount hook */
browserWallet?: IBrowserWallet;
/** Optional hardcoded values if required */
hardcodedValues?: Partial<DanModuleInfo>;
/** Optional duration of the session key in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds. */
duration?: number;
/** Optional chainId. Will be inferred if left unset. */
chainId?: number;


export type DanSessionKeyPayload = {
/** Dan Session ephemeral key*/
sessionKeyEOA: Hex;
/** Dan Session MPC key ID*/
mpcKeyId: string;
/** Dan Session ephemeral private key without 0x prefix */
hexEphSKWithout0x: string;
/** Number of nodes that participate in keygen operation. Also known as n. */
partiesNumber: number;
/** Number of nodes that needs to participate in protocol in order to generate valid signature. Also known as t. */
threshold: number;
/** The eoa that was used to create the session */
eoaAddress: Hex;
/** the chainId is relevant only to the */
chainId: number


import { generateSessionKey } from "@biconomy/account";

const smartAccount = await createSmartAccountClient({
signer: walletClient,
bundlerUrl: "", // <-- Read about this at
biconomyPaymasterApiKey: "", // <-- Read about at

const sessionKeyPayload = await generateSessionKey({ smartAccountClient: smartAccount });

console.log(sessionKeyPayload.sessionKeyEOA) // "0x..."

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